The Daily Tar Heel
Printing news. Raising hell. Since 1893.
Thursday, April 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel
Advertising Policies

Advertising Rate Policies

DTH Media Corp. and its affiliated print, digital and online publications reserves the right to reject advertising that it considers objectionable. Commercial advertisements that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, familial status, national origin, handicap, age or sex will not be accepted. Commercial advertisements containing false or misleading statements will be rejected. Advertisements for products, services or promotions that are illegal in the state of North Carolina will be rejected.

The Daily Tar Heel will make every effort to accommodate ad position requests. However, because of press constraints and the fact that late-breaking news affects the design of the newspaper from time to time, the DTH does not guarantee ad position in its print edition. Therefore, advertising orders requiring a certain position may not be honored. The DTH will make every effort to contact clients immediately when such a situation occurs, but the DTH is not responsible for delays in publishing advertising or the consequences of such delays that may arise by orders received that require a certain position.

Because of redesign costs after the advertising deadline, retail advertising cancelled after the deadline will be charged at 50 percent of the cost of publishing the ad. In addition, changes to advertisements after the deadline may not be possible.

Make goods or credit adjustments will be made for the portion of the ad in error. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to notify The Daily Tar Heel of significant errors. The Daily Tar Heel will be responsible for first-run errors only. The limit of responsibility will be the total cost of the ad in which the error occurs. Allowances will be made only for errors that materially affect the value of the advertisement.

The advertiser and/or advertising agency assume liability for all content (including text and illustrations) of advertisements printed in the paper or online and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against DTH Media Corp.

All questions relative to charges should be directed to The Daily Tar Heel Advertising Director, Business Manager or General Manager. Only those personnel are authorized to make adjustments to charges for advertisements.

Advertisers may be requested to prove FDA approval on certain advertisements for such items as food, services, supplements and diet aids.

An advertisement is not considered accepted by The Daily Tar Heel until it is actually published.

h5. Terms of Payment

All advertising is payable in advance unless the advertiser has first established credit with The Daily Tar Heel. New accounts desiring credit must submit a credit application and be approved by the General Manager before credit can be extended. Please allow 5-10 business days prior to the ad deadline for processing.

Prepayment is required of all political advertisers.

Student fee-funded groups must have SAFO sign the insertion order or prepay prior to placing advertisements. All other officially recognized student organizations must follow the conditions in No. 1 above.

Advertisers will receive tearsheets and bills monthly for advertising charges during the month immediately preceding the billing date. These bills will be a consolidated invoice/statement whose information generally conforms to the newspaper industry Standard Advertising Invoice. Special billing needs shall be accommodated as is possible if requested in advance by the client and approved by the Business Manager.

Terms: net 30 days. Accounts unpaid after 90 days will be refused advertising until past due balance is paid in full. A minimum of one semester of prepayment may be required to reinstate a good credit rating.

All advertising orders are subject to the rates, terms and provisions of the current rate card. Orders received not reflecting the current rates and provisions will be adjusted to the rates and provisions of the current rate card only after consultation and approval by the client. The Daily Tar Heel will make every effort to contact clients immediately when such a situation occurs, but The Daily Tar Heel is not responsible for delays in publishing advertising or consequences of such delays that may arise by orders received which do not conform to the correct rates and provisions.

All advertising rates, except the national/agency rates, are net (noncommissionable).

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The Daily Tar Heel is the independent, nonprofit media lab for the University of North Carolina and the communities of Orange County. Since 1893, we have been the community's investigator, advocate and fact-checker.

We are also an independent, nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status. Donate today to Start the Presses and support the future of independent student media.