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Sunday, June 16, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Chapel Hill Town Council discuss Obey Creek plans

Residents came out to the Chapel Hill Town Council meeting Monday night with concerns regarding potential development agreements.

Three areas in the community — Obey Creek, Eubanks Road and Ram’s Plaza — are primed for retail development and would be slated to receive $30,000 through a development initiative.

The areas are expected to bring in increased revenue from sales tax, to balance the town’s heavily residential tax base.

The Obey Creek concept plan for an area across U.S. 15-501 from Southern Village generated the most commentary and criticism from residents and council members. The council discussed the possible development process for Obey Creek.
Local architect Linda Finch said she opposed a recommendation to allocate funds to promote retail development in Obey Creek area.

“I just think it’s an inappropriate direction,” Finch said.

Because the plan sits at a unique intersection of several different community interests, Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt said the council had asked staff to consider the appropriateness of a development agreement process, one that would involve public input.

“Our next big step is to continue working on our interactions with our neighboring jurisdictions,” Kleinschmidt said. “The council needs to be prepared to offer resources to our staff to continue the growth of that relationship.”

Council member Gene Pease said he was struggling with the idea of a comprehensive plan.

“I’d like to slow this down,” Pease said. “I think we need much more discussion.”

The town council agreed to further consider the plan.

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