The Daily Tar Heel
Printing news. Raising hell. Since 1893.
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Student opportunities

The Daily Tar Heel has student job opportunities in all departments. 

These job opportunities require different skill sets but more importantly, a willingness to learn and work hard. Our graduates go on to top jobs in journalism, advertising, politics, technology, the law and many other professions. Check out this page to learn more about job opportunities in each department.

“Applying to work for The Daily Tar Heel was hands down the best decision I've ever made. In my four years of working at the DTH, I learned not only how to report and write, but also learned who I am and what I can accomplish. It became a home I never wanted to leave. It was a place where -- in between paper plane wars, covering two elections, napping on 'The Couch' and putting out a daily newspaper -- I found my best friends. If you're even remotely interested in journalism, become a part of the DTH -- the best college paper in the country. It will change your life.”


The Daily Tar Heel newsroom has job opportunities for reporters, copy editors, photographers, designers,  digital producers and columnists, among other roles. The newsroom hires new staff three times a year: at the beginning of each semester and at the beginning of summer school.  Beginning newsroom positions are unpaid. Applications will open in Fall 2024. Questions: Email Editor Emmy Martin.

Editorial page

The opinion editor hires Editorial Board members, columnists and cartoonists at the beginning of each semester through an individual application process. These positions are unpaid. Applications will open in Fall 2024.


“Four weeks into freshman year, I joined the ad staff knowing little about the ropes of the job. After a few months of training and getting to know everyone, I felt like I had been on staff for years. DTH ad staff is one of the very few jobs on campus that allows you to gain supreme real-world experience while strengthening both your professional and social networks. From becoming good friends with local business owners to catching up with other staffers in the office, DTH is home away from home that allows you to grow as an individual and helps to open doors of opportunity that would have otherwise never appeared.”

DTH Media Corp. is looking for enthusiastic junior account executives to join our advertising sales team. Our account executives build relationships with clients and help sell and provide advertising and marketing services to both national and local clients. Account executives are responsible for selling, coordinating and managing both print and digital advertising and marketing campaigns. Applications will open in Fall 2024.

Read up on the advertising department's practices and policies.

Questions: Email the advertising director.

1893 Brand Studio

The 1893 Brand Studio is a full-service, student-powered marketing agency that brings storytelling solutions to local businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our students strategize with clients, execute large campaigns and learn what goes behind the scenes in marketing for small businesses. We create content clients can be proud of and have fun along the way.

Students are paid per client assignment after a short training period. We are looking for storytellers, campaign strategists, videographers, photographers, designers, web developers and more. Applications will open Fall 2024.

Questions: Email the director, Collin Pruitt.

Join the DTH

The Daily Tar Heel has student job opportunities in all departments. The job opportunities require different skill sets but more importantly, a willingness to learn and work hard. Our graduates go on to top jobs in journalism, advertising, politics, technology, the law and many other professions. Check out this page to learn more about job opportunities in each department.

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Meet the Team

Learn more about our student-fueled newsroom and the UNC student journalists who publish the The Daily Tar Heel in print and online.

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Donate to the DTH

The Daily Tar Heel is the independent, nonprofit media lab for the University of North Carolina and the communities of Orange County. Since 1893, we have been the community's investigator, advocate and fact-checker.

We are also an independent, nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status. Donate today to Start the Presses and support the future of independent student media.