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Sunday, June 2, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Forum to Address Student Concerns

Safety, registration to be discussed tonight

The forum will be held at 7 p.m. in 209 Manning Hall.

Campus safety, registration problems and reform of the Honor Court will be the main topics of discussion at the event, but representatives say students are encouraged to share their opinions, regardless of the issue.

Congress Speaker Tony Larson said the forum is organized in a manner that will make it easy for students to speak.

"We tried to create structure but not an overly structured event," Larson said. "We want more listening and less talking on our part."

The forum will devote about 30 minutes to each of the three key issues, with audience questions and feedback after a brief topic presentation by a Congress representative.

"We want to hear what students have to say about issues like safety and registration," said Fall Forum Co-chairman Alak Shah. "But basically we just want to know what's on their minds."

Shah said that the largest issue of concern for students is tuition but that because Congress can not directly affect tuition decisions, the issue will not be addressed at the forum.

In addition to the three key issues, textbook rental, book buybacks and the lowering of textbook prices also will be a topic of focus during the forum, Shah said.

Congress members say understanding the concerns of the student body is essential to running an effective government.

"At this point we have 30 members representing a student population of over 20,000," said Congress Speaker Tony Larson.

"There is no way that the 30 of us can know of all the problems facing students. So any time students can come in and give us feedback is important -- there's always a need for that."

A proposal for the forum was brought to Congress by representative and Student Affairs Committee Chairwoman Carey Richter, and representatives Margaret Thomas and Shah organized the event.

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