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Saturday, June 15, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Young people who are heavy smokers of cannabis a substance found in marijuana could be at a significant risk for gum disease" according to a study released Tuesday.

The study found that participants who used cannabis between the ages of 18 and 32 were more likely to have mild and severe periodontal disease than those who never used the substance.

""What we found out is that marijuana does pose a risk above smoking cigarettes"" said James Beck, professor of dental ecology at the UNC School of Dentistry, who helped author the study.

Periodontal disease is the loss of gum support around the tooth caused by microorganisms in plaque under the teeth and gums. Some people have the genetic ability to fight the disease more effectively than others. If untreated, the disease can sometimes lead to tooth loss.

The two major risk factors for gum disease are diabetes and using tobacco products.

But typically, people younger than 30 aren't as prone to gum disease.

The rule of thumb is you don't start talking about periodontal disease until after the age of 35"" Beck said.

Natalie Turner, a junior journalism major, was not surprised by the study's findings. But she said she does not believe the data will change people's habits.

I don't think people think about gum disease until they actually have it"" Turner said.

Eric Smith, a health educator with Campus Health Services' substance abuse prevention program, said marijuana use can affect a student's memory retention and problem-solving abilities.

It's not just the impact on your health" but also it's the effects on your life as a student Smith said. From the academic perspective" the effect marijuana can have on your brain is huge.""

The study started more than 30 years ago when Dr. W. Murray Thomson" professor of dental public health at the University of Otago in New Zealand" began following participants born between 1972 and 1973.

The participants reported on their cannabis and tobacco use four times between the ages of 18 and 32 and were examined for signs of dental disease at ages 26 and 32.

""They're pretty trustful of these investigators" and they would probably get a valid response" Beck said. It's one of the few studies that would have information like that.""

Addiction varies by person and depends on frequency of use.

""Long-term marijuana abuse can lead to addictions"" Smith said.

In 2000, the rate of marijuana usage among college students was 33.6 percent, a 9 percent increase from 1990.

Students interested in quitting should consider meeting with health professionals at Counseling and Wellness Services, Smith said.

Much like smoking" cold turkey might not be the best way to go he said. Between the health and legal reasons" that should be good motivation to quit.""

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