The Daily Tar Heel
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Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Krispy Kreme
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Kripy Kreme is now on Franklin Street. Finally, a non-”local” organization to complement Starbucks. At least for freshmen, the walk from South Campus should hold off the freshman 15.

Teens and Texting
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A new study shows the average teen sends 3,000 texts per month. Soon we’ll start seeing commercials for arthritis featuring college students. Maybe that’ll at least expand the work-study pool.

5th Best
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UNC was ranked 5th best public university yet again. Unfortunately, we dropped to 30th in the overall ranking. What was it that we said here last year about the class of 2013 being the smartest yet?

No Cops at College
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Davidson College police do not have the power to arrest suspects or enforce state law because the college is a religious institution. Maybe the state of North Carolina should become religiously affiliated so ALE can no longer operate.

Senior Stickers
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Fall Fest ran out of senior stickers. You know, the endearing ones that read “I’m a senior, who the $#&! are you?” Seniors, understandably confused, were seen roaming around Fall Fest shouting, “I’m a…wait, who the $#&! am I?”

$29k…For Water
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North Carolina’s 13 Congressional representatives spent a combined $29,000 on snacks and bottled water over a six-month period. It’s a sad day when that number looks low-budget com

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