The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, June 17, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

A teachable tragedy: Shooting strikes a chord for more measured tone

Too often in the media and in our political conversations, elevated and fiery rhetoric is carelessly bandied around. If there is anything that can be gleaned from the tragic shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., in Tuscon this weekend, it is a reminder of the importance of our own civility in our political discourse.

In this time of national mourning, we all have a responsibility to reflect on the consequences of words that we use in our day-to-day vernacular.

The toxic political environment encouraged by politicians and media outlets alike every day divides our nation along racial, ethnic and political lines.

With the recent reminder of the importance of civil dialogue, The Daily Tar Heel editorial board seeks to bring a fair and measured tone to the upcoming student body elections.

In that same vein, we call on all candidates in the upcoming elections to continue the tradition of conducting positive campaigns focused on policy, and not take the lesson from national politics to launch angry or slanderous personal attacks.

The upcoming debates in these elections should lift our community up and not fall into the nation’s pattern of political vitriol. Students should expect poise and fair play.

UNC is a campus chock full of politically active and involved students of many political persuasions. Whether you are going to hear a political speech on campus or attending a local rally in Carrboro, take pause to consider your own conduct.

Obviously, crazy people with renegade intentions will continue to exist in the future. But political commentators, candidates and voters alike have a responsibility to maintain a civil tone to deprive those renegades of much of the ammunition they use to justify their actions.

While there is great sadness this week, the lessons learned provide an important inspiration for a civilized, unified political environment in the months to come.

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