The Daily Tar Heel
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Thursday, June 6, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Letter: ?Students should be more open to Creed


I’m writing today to show solidarity with the brave letter from Martha Landis in support of Liberty University. The Daily Tar Heel has shown a remarkable lack of editorial integrity in joining the bandwagon against this fine Christian university for its women’s dress code, ban on premarital sex and, among other things, their mandated daily Creed power hour.

How could one find offense in the soaring lyrics of “Arms Wide Open,” or the song that got me through my dark days of middle school — “Higher”? How could requiring every student at Liberty University to listen to Creed for four hours every day (it’s a common misconception that the power hour only lasts one hour) possibly be harmful? In fact, I might even forget to do this myself if it wasn’t required of everyone!

Also, since I am writing about Liberty University, I’d like to take this opportunity to state that evolution is a theory ­— just like the heliocentric model of the solar system. How can any intelligent person who has spent their life studying a topic that I have only dabbled in come to a different conclusion? Common sense, people!

I honestly thought that a university with such a diverse music scene would be open to bands like Creed, but maybe I was wrong. Why is Creed, like Christianity and a campus’ subjugation of women, so threatening to UNC?

We may never know.

Madison Hissom ’10

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