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Interactive graphic: 2017 Student Body President voter guide

Tap or click to use this guide to learn more about this year's student body presidential candidates:

Student Life
Student Organizations
LGBTQIA+ Students
Mental Health
Maurice Grier
Student Body President Platform
Student Government
Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault/Student Safety and Wellness
State and External Affairs
Inclusion and Diversity
Greek Life
Elizabeth Adkins
Environmental Affairs
Academic Affairs
Adkins on Sexual Assault/Student Safety and Wellness
Adkins wants to create a permanent subcommittee in the Student Safety and Wellness committee in student government to help prevent sexual assaults and accommodate survivors, as well as fund programs like Our Story. Adkins also wants to work with the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office to add an undergraduate representative to committees reviewing Title IX policy and create a liaison position between undergraduates and campus sexual assault news. Her platform includes sexual assault training in Resident Advisor education and providing more free or reduced cost feminine products across campus.
Adkins on Inclusion and Diversity
Adkins wants to make UNC a sanctuary campus. She also wants to work with the Latinx Unity Council and the UNC Muslim Student Association to dedicate spaces for both groups on campus.
Adkins on Veterans
Adkins wants to allow veterans who are post-9/11 GI Bill recipients to pay for on-campus housing in montly installments instead of in upfront payments. Adkins also wants waive application fees for honorably discharged military veterans and make in-state tuition available to veterans and their dependents who were previous residents of North Carolina, but moved for the sole purpose of being assigned a change of station.
Adkins wants to establish a Student Advisory Board for Counseling and Psychological Services and increase funding to CAPS. Adkins also wants to destigmatize mental illness by reforming policies about late withdrawal from classes, subsidize copay plans and allow part time students to pay fees to use student health services.
Adkins on Mental Health
Adkins wants to increase energy efficiency through sustainable means across campus, such as increasing sustainability in dining halls, ensuring printing paper at CCI printing stations is made of at least 30 percent recycled material, encouraging teachers to use online textbooks and expanding bike sharing programs.
Adkins on Environmental Affairs
Adkins on State and External Affairs
Adkins wants to increase student participation in municipal elections, lobby state and national government for University affordability and improve the relationship between the town of Chapel Hill and students.
Adkins on Academic Affairs
Adkins wants to assign University Career Services advisors to each student and provide automatic enrollment into ENGL 105 for first-year and transfer students. Adkins also wants to add diversity sections to course evaluations and extend evaluations past final exams and grades being released. Adkins also wants to add a dance minor. Adkins wants to modify the Lifetime Fitness program to be more sensitive to mental health and weight loss as well as safe sex, consent and contraception.
Adkins wants to develop a website for students that lists and explains student government decisions and gives information on political issues that affect society as a whole. She also wants the website to include contact information for government officials.
Adkins on Student Government
Adkins on Greek Life
Adkins wants Greek community leaders to host more events between Greek and non-Greek students. She also wants to include Greek organizations in discussions on alcohol-related policies.
Adkins on Affordability
Adkins wants to support the existing textbook pledge to explore all textbook options, analyze all fees to keep student costs low and redistribute CCI printing money from those with leftover money to those that need it. Adkins also wants to work with administrators and professors to eliminate the cost of student blue books and scantrons.
Grier wants to make more sexual assault modules available to first-year students to increase awareness of sexual assault issues and make P2P services available 24 hours a day for students walking alone at night.
Grier on Sexual Assault
Grier on Mental Health
Grier wants to add Skype and Facetime appointments with Counseling and Psychological Services psychologists and offer vouchers for students to meet with off-campus psychologists.
Grier on Environment
Grier wants to create a student-led task force to address environmental concerns on campus, including coal use by the University. He also supports the Three Zeros Initiative for zero-waste landfills, water neutrality and greenhouse neutrality.
Grier wants to create a multi-cultural sector in student government to make sure that equitable opportunity is being maintained. Grier also wants to create a submission box to allow students to have input in student government. Grier also wants to include undocumented students in discussions on how student government can best serve them. He wants to create an office in student government dedicated to monitoring national events, especially those impacting undocumented students.
Grier on Student Government
Grier wants to create modules that focus on problems with accessibility for students with disabilities and create a task force focused on the needs of students with disabilities. Grier also wants to ensure the University has the resources to clear snow from campus to ensure student accessibility.
Grier on Accessibility
Grier wants to create “trust funds” to give new student organizations a certain amount of money to reduce debt and to increase funding to more organizations. Grier also wants to incentivize large student organizations to partner with small organizations in events and projects.
Grier on Student Organizations
Grier on Student Life
Grier wants to initiate inter-community events between on-campus communities. He also wants to bring communities in north campus, south campus and Granville Towers together. Grier wants to create a Safe Zone Territory for undocumented students and he supports non-compliance in releasing student documentation.
Grier wants UNC to make official statements on the University’s stance on House Bill 2 and create courses on sexual orientation and gender identity issues.
Grier on LGBTQIA+ Students
Grier on Parking
Grier would like to turn the RR Lot into a parking deck and create partnerships with surrounding cities to negotiate parking locations for students.
Use this voter guide to learn about this year’s student body presidential candidates and highlights from their platforms. Elections will be held March 2.

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