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View from the Hill

Carolina Capitol Roundup: Mar. 31-April 3

This is View from the Hill's roundup of the most interesting news from Capitol Hill pertaining to North Carolina and Higher Education.

Price criticizes campaign finance ruling

Rep. David Price, D-N.C., criticized the U.S. Supreme Court's recent campaign finance ruling, warning that it could lead to corruption in federal elections.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court in McCutcheon vs. FEC ruled 5-4 that aggregate campaign donation limits are unconstitutional. Previously, donors were limited to donating $48,600 to federal candidates and 74,600 to other organizations, including Political Action Committees.

Price said in a statement the ruling could lead to political donors expecting favors in return for donations.

"These decisions are tragically misguided at a time when Americans are demanding government of, by and for the people, not government bought and paid for by special interests,” Price said.

Price has sponsored numerous laws in the past to reform campaign financing, including the Empowering Citizens Act, which would allow for public financing of Congressional Elections, and said he plans to extend, the Stand By Your Ad Act, which requires candidates to claim responsibility for campaign ads, to Super PACs.

McIntyre shoots hoops for homeless

Rep. Mike McIntyre, D-N.C., joined fellow members of Congress for a game of basketball to benefit the homeless.

McIntyre, along with other members of Congress from both parties, faced off against faculty members from Georgetown University Law School to benefit the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

The members of Congress, dubbed the Hill's Angels, beat the faculty members in a 46-40 game and helped raise more than $600,000.

McIntyre, who announced his retirement earlier this year, was also honored at the event, having his jersey honorarily retired at halftime.

Jones flaunts failing grade from secular group

Most members of Congress would not take pride in receiving a failing grade from a citizens group, but Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., touted his poor rating from a national secular group.

The Secular Coalition for America, an umbrella organization for organizations of non-religious Americans, released its 2013 Congressional Report Card this week, which Jones being one of three members of Congress to tie for its lowest score.

But Jones celebrated the grade in a statement, saying it showed his commitment to standing for religious values.

“It is a badge of honor to receive a failing grade from a leading atheist organization, as it indicates that I have been successfully working against attacks on those values,” Jones said.

Jones was one of 315 failing grades the organization gave to members of Congress.

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