The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, July 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


In response to all of the complaints against The Daily Tar Heel regarding the Greek community, please take the pity party elsewhere.

Stop trying to shift blame to the DTH for sensationalizing its articles and attacking Greeks.

Multiple arrests surrounding a narcotics bust is sensational by definition. The fact that several of those arrested were or are Greek members is going to put more scrutiny on the Greek community.

If several members of the football team were arrested for cocaine use, I assure you the DTH would put as much scrutiny on them as the Greek community.

Now, breaking the law is breaking the law, but read this carefully: Underage drinking is not analogous to cocaine trafficking, the latter being a felony that can come with a prison sentence.

Anyone who compares the two is either shortsighted or entirely disingenuous. Does anyone honestly believe the two offenses are the same?

Furthermore, you can talk about how much service the Greeks do and what an important symbol of unity they are for the University, and we won’t deny that, but in life, you get debits, as well as credits, by association.

If the Greek community wants a secure reputation, then perhaps it should monitor itself to the point where we think of its contributions more than its legal issues.

Instead of complaining about negative coverage, the Greek system could take positive, proactive steps to assess and mitigate any illicit drug use within the community.

Andrew Elliott
Economics, Political Science

David Conrad

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