The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, June 3, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

I’m a proud UNC alum. I attended UNC because it’s a top institution, affordable and the “university of the people.” When I enrolled in 2000-01, in-state tuition was $1,860. Even at that price, I saw friends attend semester-by-semester based on the availability of work and grants. Some will carry debt burdens well into middle age.

I’m also an upset alum because:

The process for raising tuition is undemocratic and dubious. Most of the BOG and Board of Trustees are upper-class, white, male and in the corporate world — disconnected from financial pressures many students face. Students have been ignored. Moreover, the BOG is elected by the General Assembly, which recently cut UNC’s budget by 18 percent. The BOG selects most of the Board of Trustees. Where are the checks and balances?

Higher tuition will disproportionately impact students from low-wealth families and deter students from pursuing lower-paying public service careers.

The timing is terrible. The economy is fragile, unemployment is high and incomes have declined.

North Carolina continues to have an unfair and inadequate revenue system. The wealthy and corporations don’t pay their fair share — a share that could fund public, postsecondary education.

UNC is the “university of the people.” Let’s keep it that way. Contact the BOG ( and tell them to vote no to skyrocketing tuition.

Jason Langberg
Class of 2004

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