The Daily Tar Heel
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Monday, June 3, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Athletes should be able to enter regular lottery


I am writing on behalf of all junior, sophomore and freshmen Tar Heel athletes, or at the very least, the ones on the varsity women’s rowing team.

Yes, athletes get the divine privilege to enter into a separate, more exclusive lottery for men’s basketball tickets. We all appreciate that we seem to have better odds of getting tickets and that we don’t have to mess around with phases and showing up to games early just to sit in a seat that was specifically allotted to us. We get this treatment even when applying for Duke tickets, or so we thought.

The student athlete lottery was supposed to open Feb. 7 at 10 p.m. Naturally, we were eagerly awaiting sign-ups that day. Then, we all received an email telling us there weren’t any tickets left to the game.

Could this be because every other non-senior on campus was able to sign up for a ticket through the regular student lottery nearly two weeks ago? If I’d been able to enter the regular student lottery and lost, I would be bitter about it, but at least it would have been fair.

My request is for the Athletic Department to allow athletes to submit into the regular lottery. Why would there be tickets left unclaimed less than a day before the Duke game? Please, let’s be more realistic in the Duke ticket allotment schedule.

Alexandra Davis ’14
Political Scienc

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