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Monday, June 3, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Leimenstoll has the skills to be SBP, Lewis doesn’t


When I envision a student body president, I see someone with an uncanny leadership ability who takes pride and responsibility in everything they do.

Having served as a fellow Orientation Leader this past summer, I had the chance to work with Calvin Lewis first-hand and interact with Will Leimenstoll numerous times.

Based on my experiences with both of them, the decision is very clear. Today when you sit down, open your laptop and vote, I would advise you to vote for Leimenstoll.

His character alone demonstrates that he truly cares about the future and well-being of students throughout campus. He has an innate ability to lead a team and understands the steps needed to get a job done correctly.

Lewis is a surprisingly strong candidate with an appealing resume, but despite that, he does not have the appropriate skill set to serve as student body president.

In team settings he struggles to listen to others’ opinions and has trouble communicating in a variety of formats. I don’t believe he will find the level of success that he envisions for himself if elected.

I hope that whoever does win understands the responsibility that comes with such a position as well as the opportunity they have to make a real difference at this university.

Brendan Nally ’14
Business Administration

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