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Saturday, July 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


I am responding to Professor Hirsch and Professor Keinman’s recent letter to the editor on behalf of the Progressive Faculty Network with regard to N.C. Amendment One.

I applaud you for pointing out what needs to be pointed out: that this amendment would deny some adults a right that should be guaranteed to them.

All consenting adults should have the right to love and marry or share a life with the person they love. They should get the benefits they deserve regardless of someone’s religious or political beliefs.

One of the arguments you hear from many conservatives and religious supporters who do not support gay marriage is that allowing same-sex marriage will break down the institution of marriage. How so? Show me and others some sort of proof to back up your point.
This is like saying that accepting gay people as human beings with rights would somehow make someone who isn’t gay less of a human being, which it would not.

Recent studies in the field of sociology have shown that a majority of Americans support the right of gay people to be able to get married. Studies have also shown that in places where gay people do have the right to get married, the rate of marriages — including marriage between heterosexual couples — has grown.

So, the argument that allowing gay people the right to marry is going to break down the institution of marriage is a false assumption based on fear-mongering.

Thank you, Progressive Faculty Network, both for your letter and for showing us how unjust the proposed amendment really is.

Kathy D. Morgan
Exam proctor and student services representative
The Friday Center

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