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Monday, June 17, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Forums seek Thorp’s values in new chancellor

Members of the UNC community have drafted varied lists of the qualities they want to see in the next chancellor.

But one thing appears on everyone’s list.

Given the opportunity, they would choose Chancellor Holden Thorp — again.

In two forums held by the chancellor search committee Thursday for students and faculty, an interest in maintaining the same values upheld by Thorp arose time and again.

“In general, the staff said that if they wanted a new chancellor, they wanted Holden in a skirt,” said Jackie Overton, a member of the committee.

“And I just said, ‘Please don’t give me that visual.’”

Thursday’s forums followed two held on Wednesday — one for staff members and one for community residents.

The forums were held to provide an outlet for the public to voice opinions about the replacement for Thorp, who announced in September that he will step down in June.

Faculty members said they want to see a leader who comes from an academic background and values scholarship above all else — namely, athletics.

“We have all seen what happened at this University because of secondary and tertiary commitments to high stakes college athletics,” said Andrew Perrin, associate professor of sociology.

Perrin said he wants to see a chancellor who will fight for an honorable athletics program, but one that remains secondary to academics.

“I have a difficult time imagining that someone could come from outside academia and figure out how to tackle those challenges,” he said.

The student forum, in contrast to the faculty forum, was particularly silent — until attendees were asked to share experiences they have had with Thorp.

Once they began, the anecdotes flowed freely.

Students mentioned how they value Thorp’s accessibility and commitment to the student body.

Senior Hudson Vincent, president of Carolina Creates, said he wants a chancellor who will continue Thorp’s commitment to developing projects like Innovate@Carolina, a program that funds inventive student ideas.

“I’m interested in seeing what a new chancellor might be able to do with the momentum that Holden has been able to start over the past few years,” he said.

Many faculty said they worry that the committee will not be able to find someone as qualified as Thorp.

“If he can’t do it, can anyone?” said Kim Strom-Gottfried, a professor in the School of Social Work.

“Can any one person?”

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