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The Daily Tar Heel

Police log for Feb. 19, 2014

Someone reported a disturbance at Time-Out restaurant at 133 W. Franklin St. at 1:54 a.m. Monday, according to Chapel Hill police reports.

Someone broke and entered at Bailey’s Pub and Grill at 1722 N. Fordham Blvd. at 7:03 a.m. Monday, according to Chapel Hill police reports. The person damaged a glass door, estimated at $200, and pried into an ATM, causing damage estimated at $2,000. The person also stole $1,400 in cash, reports state.

Someone trespassed at Pop’s Pizzeria at 1822 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. at 4:42 p.m. Monday, according to Chapel Hill police reports. The person refused to leave the restaurant, reports state.

Someone trespassed at a residence at 101 Legacy Terrace Drive between 6:35 p.m. and 6:56 p.m. Monday, according to Chapel HIll police reports.

Someone broke in and entered at 700 Old Fayetteville Road between 9 a.m. Sunday and 11:53 a.m. Monday, according to Carrboro police reports. The person removed furniture from a cabin and dug a large hole in a garden, reports state.

Someone stole a tip jar from Back Alley Bikes at 100 Boyd St. at 6:05 p.m Monday, according to Carrboro police reports. The money, which was totalled at $44.23, was later returned to the store owner, reports state.

Someone stole a cell phone at 115 N. Merritt Mill Road at 3:35 p.m. Friday, according to Carrboro police reports.

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