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The Daily Tar Heel

Urine for it with chocolate Lab mix Darcy

The chocolate Lab mix tends to pee on his owners and their friends

First-year Stephen Xiao owns eight-month-old chocolate lab mix Darcy, who has a special talent for peeing everywhere. Darcy’s favorite game is tug of war. 

First-year Stephen Xiao owns eight-month-old chocolate lab mix Darcy, who has a special talent for peeing everywhere. Darcy’s favorite game is tug of war. 

Some people can juggle, and others can sing. But 8-month-old chocolate Lab mix Darcy has a really unique talent — peeing everywhere.

Especially on people.

“My favorite memory of him is when he peed on one of my friends,” said first-year Stephen Xiao, Darcy’s owner.

Stephen’s roommate Kamal Patel said he has also been lucky enough to witness Darcy’s unique talent.

“We went over to Steve’s house one day to play pingpong, and Darcy was just a puppy, and he peed in the corner,” Patel said. “One of our other friends stepped in it. It was so funny.”

Stephen’s sister Linda, whom Darcy lives with, said the chocolate Lab mix has significantly grown since they got him about five months ago.

“We got him when he was just two months old, and he was so tiny,” Stephen said. “And now he’s so big.”

But peeing is far from being the craziest thing that Darcy has ever done.

Stephen said Darcy came home with a special present. And that present is one he decided to share with his family.

“He got fleas,” Stephen said. “Then he gave the fleas to my little sister, and then they had to flea bomb my whole house.”

But even if Darcy can be a little mischievous at times, he is still appreciated very much.

“All of my friends love him. They think he’s the most adorable thing ever,” Stephen said.

“He’s a cute, adorable dog that brings the best out of even the worst human beings, ” said Stephen’s friend, first-year Philip Kim.

Still, Stephen said Darcy’s special peeing talent is not what impresses Stephen the most.

Instead, it is Darcy’s inexplicable ability to look wonderful — all the time.

“I love that Darcy is so photogenic,” Stephen said. “He always looks so good in all of his pictures.”

Stephen also said Darcy has other talents, like playing dead and shaking your hand.

“He’s just so smart and talented. I am really lucky to have a dog like him,” said Stephen.

Darcy can play a mean game of tug of war, too.

“Tug of war is his favorite game. And he can beat me at it,” said Stephen.

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And Darcy has another quirk — he is a chocolate Lab mix, who was originally named after a chocolate bar.

“There was this whole litter of puppies at the Cumberland County animal shelter,” Stephen said.

“There were like eight of them, and they were all named after chocolate candy bars because they were chocolate Labs.

“Darcy was Kit-Kat.”
