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Monday, June 17, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel
Pit Talk

Summer apartment searching as told by GIFs

Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by the summer apartment search.

First, you're like yay, I got a job! Or at least a plan. Anyway, you're moving! New place, new adventures.

But, we need to find housing... In a city where we don't know a soul... With limited funds.

First step is to find a roommate. After stalking about 500 million potential roommates on all forms of social media, you find one that looks okay. You sit in class fantasizing about the future dance parties you two will have in the apartment together.

But then the new roomie bails... and you feel sadder than Ben Affleck when he thinks about "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" movie reviews.

You decide to look for one bedroom apartments because you are an independent, self-sufficient person.

After calling different apartment buildings, you find out how hard it is to find a three month lease.

You find out a friend of a friend of a friend is subleasing and you try every way you can to contact them.

You search for them on social media like...

They check-out as normal and you confirm the deal with them.

You found an apartment and you are ready for the summer. Go get em, tiger.

Source: All GIFs from 

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