The Daily Tar Heel
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The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

Bowling a strike


UNC-system President Erskine Bowles deserves credit for standing up for system schools by pressuring the N.C. General Assembly to divert at least a part of a $200 student tax to the universities, not the state.

The Daily Tar Heel

Retreat from the rights


UNC should toughen its regulations and heighten accountability for administrators granted a full year’s salary when retreating back to a faculty position. Other universities provide less compensation for administrators’ leave, and we should either follow suit or provide a more thorough process.

The Daily Tar Heel

Rede?ne your idea of what’s wasted


At our school many people will be impressed by the amount of work you have to do and even the extent to which you are worried about completing it.Many people I talk to seem to wear this stress as a badge of honor, and they bask in it even though it’s emotionally draining.

The Daily Tar Heel

Semester goes by in the blink of an eye


Sometimes time seems to pass incredibly slowly.When you’re sitting in that class that you hate, staring at the clock tick by on the wall for 50, or if you’re really unfortunate, 75 minutes, you feel as if you’re glued to that seat forever.Everybody feels this way sometimes — no matter what your job is or how you spend your time.

The Daily Tar Heel

Follow the leader: UNC Hospitals’ online medical records lead ?eld


UNC Hospitals has done an exemplary job leading the health industry in electronic records and should continue its hard work.In 1991, UNC Hospitals launched a pilot program that is now the Web-based Clinical Information System — WebCIS.It’s an Internet-based program that allows UNC doctors to transfer their paper patient records to electronic records.

The Daily Tar Heel

A taxing problem: N.C. General Assembly should look to update state’s tax code to re?ect service-based economy


The N.C. General Assembly should continue to look into broadening the state’s tax base to include more service-oriented businesses.The state has not had a major change to its tax code since the Great Depression.However, the commercial landscape of the state has changed considerably, moving from a more manufacturing-based economy to a service-oriented one.

The Daily Tar Heel

Better technology


The University has done a solid job updating the campus’s technological infrastructure.ConnectCarolina has been successful thus far in bringing much-needed change to student digital services.The new admissions Web site is up and running and greatly improved. The new campus directory also received a face lift to its user interface that makes searching it easier.

The Daily Tar Heel

Congress’ good compromise


Students for a Democratic Society deserves to have the financial means to host speakers on campus. But that does not mean it is free to waste student money by making unreasonable funding requests.And Congress, recognizing this, did the right thing by cutting the requested appropriation to a more reasonable amount.