The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, July 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Noah Brisbin

The Daily Tar Heel

Seize the ?nal days to expand horizons

April is an interesting crossroads for students here and on countless other campuses. While Chapel Hill bursts in color and the weather turns wonderful (for the most part), we cover our heads and run inside to make friends with our textbooks. Certainly, it is important to properly prepare for every obligation at semester’s end.

The Daily Tar Heel

Bidding farewell to Ralph Byrns

Many of us who care to know are aware that economics professor Ralph Byrns is leaving the University at the close of the school year. As a bright-eyed student, it is easy to feel jilted by Byrns’ decision to move.

The Daily Tar Heel

Elections decisions were the right ones

Suppose I asked you what have been the three most noteworthy developments at UNC this semester. If you read this newspaper frequently enough, I would venture a guess that one of your responses would be something along the lines of “The SBP campaign process — what a sideshow!” While there are Board of Elections hearings and fines levied against campaigns in most years, this year’s campaign has been more particularly focused on the Board’s administrative hearings and the rulings of the Student Supreme Court.

The Daily Tar Heel

Don’t bask in Duke’s big loss just yet

Next to a Tar Heel victory, the most popular development in the college basketball season for UNC fans is a resounding Duke loss. During and after a drubbing such as the St. John’s victory on Sunday, Tar Heel fans usually take a moment (or several) to relish in the vulnerability of our nearby nemesis.

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