The Daily Tar Heel
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The Daily Tar Heel

Russ Helms

The Daily Tar Heel

Freedom Is Your Responsibility

Do you feel as guilty as I do for killing a missionary and her tiny baby?Agents of an American "intelligence" agency detected the small airplane on its mission of love, classified it as an enemy of the state and called in allied guns to destroy it on my behalf, and yours. Our agents reportedly later changed their minds, far too late.I killed that missionary and her baby, and you helped. You and I are responsible for that atrocity and all the countless other actions our government performs in our name every day.

The Daily Tar Heel

U.S. to World: `Let Them Eat Cake!'

Vandana Shiva is an early leader for the Marie Antoinette award of the 21st century.Shiva spends much of her time jet-setting around the world, preaching against those who would help the poor of her native India. When 10,000 of her countryfolk were killed and 10 to 15 million left homeless in the October 1999 cyclone, she protested against the food aid Americans distributed to the starving victims because, like 60 percent of U.S.

The Daily Tar Heel

Gun Control Costs Innocent Lives

As the baseball bats shattered the front door, she locked herself in the bedroom. But soon the thugs attacked the bedroom door. It started to crack. Finally, three shots from her 9mm sent the predators fleeing.The "million" moms marching would have you believe this Oregon woman's Independence Day story is a rare event. They're right.

The Daily Tar Heel

Remembering Our Family Heroes

I am a sad and lonely little boy today, because my grandmother, Gaga, died a year ago this week, at age 86. Her last week was painful, though she died in her home surrounded by a loving family. Many thanks to hospice, a true godsend.If your grandparents are still alive, talk to them and tell them you love them. You never know when your last chance will pass.Gaga was an extraordinary woman. Her husband died in the polio epidemic in 1951, hardly home from a four-year tour of duty in the war.

The Daily Tar Heel

DHMO: Our Nation's Silent Killer

Standing in a dying forest ravaged by acid rain, a victim sadly mutters, "If only they'd banned that (rotten) DHMO, this never would've happened."DHMO stands for dihydrogen monoxide, a chemical also known as "hydric acid" or "hydrogen hydroxide." DHMO is a major component of acid rain.Appalachian coal companies have long used DHMO as a solvent to remove mining impurities from dirty coal.

The Daily Tar Heel

Lessons From Historical Heroes

Welcome back! Hope you had a great holiday and came back rested, healed and excited about the new year. Today I'd like to introduce myself by introducing three of my heroes. These are the healers that have most influenced my thinking and whose ideas influence everything I write.So, in chronological order...Lao-Tsu is considered the primary sage of Taoism. I guess I've been a Taoist since I fell in love with Winnie-the-Pooh as a youngster, though I didn't know it until as a freshman I read the "Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff. Fantastic book.

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