The Daily Tar Heel
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Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Will Jackson

The Daily Tar Heel

Music Review: Cloud Nothings

Here and Nowhere Else is the definition of garage punk rock. Cloud Nothings, known for its fuzzy, screeching guitars and loud, fast vocals continue that trend here. It is an album that sticks to the basics, one or two guitars, a bass and drums with vocals, yet is still rich and tires out the listener with its rapid pace.


Music Review: Protomartyr

Following in the line of the Smiths and Joy Division, Protomartyr uses a variety of styles and instruments to complement melancholy lyrics, not overpower them. Drawing influence from the British post-punk movement and garage rock, Protomartyr’s Under the Color of Official Right is a grungy, yet polished, punk record.

CT192 PerfectPussy Cover

Music Review: Perfect Pussy

From the first note to the final note in Perfect Pussy’s 23-minute debut, Say Yes To Love, the band never slows down. Fuzzed out, shouted lyrics paired with guitar static and manic drumming create a sound that’s explosive.

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