The Daily Tar Heel
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The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

Tough it out; the slog is nearly over


Yes, it’s that time of the year again: college tour season. You know it’s spring in Chapel Hill when it is impossible to walk from one side of the quad to the other without encountering a semi-circle of high school students and their parents, all listening with varying degrees of interest to a current Carolina student shouting enthusiastically about first-year seminars and the like.

The Daily Tar Heel

Shaken con?dence: Administrator’s con?icting statements compromise her ability to effectively interact with Greek system


University administrators need to keep their facts straight when dealing with student issues — especially those of life and death.Assistant Dean of Students for Fraternity and Sorority Life Jenny Levering didn’t do that. And especially since the administration hasn’t presented all the evidence it has about to the situation, it shakes our confidence in her ability to do her job.

The Daily Tar Heel

The business of illegal drugs


Some people might have been shocked in September when several UNC students were arrested for selling cocaine. And, if the charges prove true, they probably weren’t making the best career choice in the world. I wouldn’t be too surprised. After all, illegal drugs are big business.

The Daily Tar Heel

QuickHits for March 30, 2010


Due to an reporting error in this editorial, the board incorrectly states that RNC Chairman Michael Steele attended an erotic nightclub while traveling in California. Steele was not present at the nightclub. It was an employee of the committee. The Daily Tar Heel apologizes for the error.Virgin GalacticThumbs up

The Daily Tar Heel

Nice to meet you; now kiss me, please


There are a lot of things the French do that bother me. The administrative red tape, the distant public personas, the frustratingly aloof academic system — if someone chucked them all in the Seine tomorrow morning, I wouldn’t mind a bit. At times, being here in Paris makes me appreciate many parts of life in America that I always took for granted before.

The Daily Tar Heel

Feeling better can be dangerous


You’ve probably heard about the power of positive thinking. In a nutshell, the theory states that when we affirm something and believe in ourselves, it’s more likely that we will achieve our goals.So it comes as no surprise that the reverse process works just as well. Thinking about the negative parts of something in your life can change your beliefs and actions toward it.