The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, July 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Jordan Nash


Get a better handle on the academic scandal

The Daily Tar Heel analyzed the report by independent investigator Kenneth Wainstein for the words that appear most frequently and crafted a guide to explain the report's major findings. The most common words appear larger in the correlating graphic. Wainstein's investigation revealed how a secretary in the former Department of African and Afro-American Studies created bogus classes to help athletes maintain eligibility. More than 3,000 UNC students took paper classes, according to the report.

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The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce honored Sandy McClamroch, the founder of the flagship local radio station WCHL and former Chapel Hill mayor.


Carpenter hopes to be the first person to receive the hearing device in both ears. He is waiting on FDA approval for the right ear.


Marine Corps veteran Dac Carpenter and his wife Holly play with their daughter. An implant let Dac Carpenter regain all of the hearing in his left ear.

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