The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, July 27, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


A letter from the editors on submissions received about the Israel-Gaza war


"We welcome input from everyone, and value the range of opinions and lively discourse in the opinion section of our paper and website. We reserve the right, however, to reject submissions that do not meet our editorial standards. While some readers may find language used in op-eds surprising, we believe it is crucial to accurately represent the voices within our community."


Op-ed: No place for hate

"The line between animated public discourse and hate speech can sometimes be difficult to identify, especially when participants in that discourse understandably feel anger, fear and an urgent need to support their local and global communities."


Op-ed: How to vote in Orange County and find a polling place

"If you are registered to vote in Orange County and did not early vote for Tuesday’s local elections, check your voter registration at (or go to and navigate to Popular Topics > voter search.)"


Column: Is 'homeless' the right word?


'We need to shift toward language that describes the situation and include people experiencing homelessness in the conversation. Because our word choice matters, but the people matter more.'


Satire: Stop funding the humanities


"Recently, the Board of Governors approved a new policy for the state budget that non-STEM professors in the UNC System can no longer receive distinguished professorships. These awards give them a pay raise and a funding boost for research. From now on, only professors in STEM departments will be up for the coveted spots. Quite frankly, I don’t know why people are surprised and upset over the news."


Satire: How to get your dream schedule on ConnectCarolina


"It looks like you still have 50 general education requirements left; It's almost like they keep adding new ones every year. Before you know it, you’re talked into changing your pre-med track to an English major with a creative writing concentration. It looks like you’ll graduate only five years after you intended!"


Column: Normalize politicians retiring from office


"Elected politicians should be held to the same expectations as the rest of us — the average retirement age in the U.S. is about 64, and more than half of our senators exceed this age. This should not be the case, and isn't normal in most jobs."


COLUMN: This Halloween, Barbie is just like other girls


"When deciding what to be for Halloween, I’ve felt like I either have to look super sexy or be super unique, which is an experience I’m sure many others share. Ultimately, it felt like choosing a costume came down to how I thought others would perceive me."  


Column: Film industry must focus on quality, not profit


"In recent years, instead of quality screenplays being supported and selected for production, more emphasis has put on things already familiar to a wider population, whether it be childhood toys, or live-action remakes of well-loved cartoons. This should not be how it is. "