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The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

Bowles for Senate


Voters in this state have a crucial decision to make Tuesday. The race for the U.S. Senate seat to be vacated by John Edwards has been identified by national media as one of this year's most importance contests. But there is a clear choice in this election. The Daily Tar Heel Editorial Board endorses Erskine Bowles for U.S. Senate.

The Daily Tar Heel

Today is the very last day to request an absentee ballot for the Nov. 2 election


TO THE EDITOR: To all absentee voters voting in North Carolina: today is the last day to request an absentee ballot. In order to vote absentee, you must contact your local county board of elections to request a ballot. Contact information for each N.C. county's board of elections can be found at To all voters registered in Orange County: Early voting at the Morehead Planetarium and Carrboro Town Hall will be open every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Saturday.

The Daily Tar Heel

Paying officials rejects purpose of activity fees


Running a student organization on UNC's campus is a thankless job. I know firsthand, albeit 11 years ago, when I was a leader of the UNC College Republicans. During that time I served one year in UNC's Student Congress. Simply put, students should not receive reimbursement for working on student organization-related activities. Student fees should go for student activities and programming - not salaries or stipends for members of Congress who administer those funds. Period.

The Daily Tar Heel

Better ways to spend funds


Continuing and expanding the practice of paying student officials will have negative consequences for our student government. It is important that you consider the following questions prior to voting on the referendum: 1. Is this how you want your money spent? The money that is used to pay the stipends comes directly from the Student Activity Fee you pay each semester. That fee is principally used to finance student events and activities. Fees helped bring speakers such as Ben Stein, Paul Krugman and Ann Coulter to campus last year.

The Daily Tar Heel

The right priority


Tuition increases always can be tough pills for students and their families to swallow. They can be even tougher to take if the extra money is not being used to create the best possible learning environment for the student body as a whole. That's why it was a strong move on the part of the Tuition Task Force to take new merit-based scholarships off its list of priorities related to potential increase scenarios.

The Daily Tar Heel

Just compensation?


Students are slated to vote today on whether leaders of Student Congress should receive stipends from student fees. The Student Code's Title I, also known as the Student Constitution, states that "no Student Congress member shall be entitled to a salary." But the speaker of Congress and the speaker pro tempore have received stipends in recent years, anyway. Speaker Charlie Anderson and Speaker Pro Tem Jen Orr have been offered stipends for their work this year but have declined to accept their checks.

The Daily Tar Heel

Pointless exercise


Student Congress is set to discuss a resolution written in response to the Oct. 6 flag-burning incident in the Pit. But it's unnecessary for Congress to go into lengthy debate about the incident. It would be a complete waste of time. None of the state's laws need Congress' seal of approval. The legal system is doing pretty well on its own. Without any input from Student Congress, the law's denunciation of the burning of other people's personal property is clear enough.

The Daily Tar Heel

Say no to stipends


Students will see a number of items on which to vote today, including choices for Homecoming representatives, special Student Congress elections and options for the senior class gift. There is also the issue of stipends for the speaker and speaker pro tempore of Student Congress. The Student Constitution holds that no member of Congress shall receive a salary - and it should stay that way.

The Daily Tar Heel

Money creates equal footing


Today, students have the opportunity to decide fairly and finally whether the Student Congress speaker and speaker pro tempore should receive compensation for their service to the student body. As far as the referendum to amend the Student Constitution, this one is simple and straightforward - at least it should be. The speaker and speaker pro tem are elected from the 40-member Congress at the outset of each session.

The Daily Tar Heel

Stipends allow best leaders at Congress' helm


You get what you pay for. I don't remember the first time my father told me this, but experience has demonstrated its accuracy to me, time and time again. I have also learned from experience that "the best things in life are free," but I've never heard anybody convincingly argue that government makes the life with the "best things." An education at UNC defiantly makes the list, but despite the guarantee of affordability in North Carolina's constitution, a UNC education is far from free.

The Daily Tar Heel

We are tied together by the small, embarrassing things


When we were younger, our parents and teachers taught us about differences. Everyone is special because everyone is different. No two snowflakes are the same. Variety is the spice of life. They taught us to respect and embrace each other's differences. They showed us different activities, and we learned about different subjects. We discussed the differences between nationalities, genders and religions. Now, in the midst of one of the most significant elections of our lifetime, the focus is again on differences.

The Daily Tar Heel

A sorry submission


On Tuesday, The (Duke) Chronicle published a column that has attracted national attention. Written by senior Philip Kurian, "The Jews" responded to criticism by pro-Israeli groups of the Palestine Solidarity Movement conference that recently took place at Duke. The column undermined the goals of both free expression and academic freedom through espousing plainly anti-Semitic rhetoric. Running the column demonstrated a poor decision on the part of The Chronicle's management in addition to Kurian's unfortunate judgment call in writing it.

The Daily Tar Heel

All bone, no meat


Members of Student Congress have dedicated themselves to revising parts of the Student Code and to removing some of its most unclear, ambiguous language. But good execution is even more important than good intention. And in terms of its legislation regarding negative campaigning, Congress has misfired.

The Daily Tar Heel

Screening for and detecting breast cancer early is vital


TO THE EDITOR: Think of October, and you might imagine red and yellow leaves and orange pumpkins. But what about pink ribbons? October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or pink ribbon month. As college students, our own health often takes a backseat to midterms, club meetings and social functions. But it is important to realize that we are all potential targets when it comes to breast cancer - young women and men.

The Daily Tar Heel

The greater good


The success of Carolina North will undoubtedly play a major role in the future of UNC-Chapel Hill and the state of North Carolina - town residents shouldn't stifle the University's flexibility in ensuring the development's effectiveness. Although the town certainly has a vested interest in the form and impact of the development, it should be careful about zoning restrictions that could potentially undermine the University's ability to serve the state.

The Daily Tar Heel

Lottery would be a needed source of revenue for state


TO THE EDITOR: How would you feel if you knew that your entire college tuition was paid for? Can you imagine how much money you'd save and the relief you'd feel knowing that the burden of college loans had been lifted? In light of the recent debate on the lottery issue in the election for governor, I am compelled to voice my opinion on the issue of a lottery in North Carolina. The lottery provides a simple approach to raising funds that not only could benefit education across the state but also could channel additional money into our economy as well.

The Daily Tar Heel

Violence used to prevent terrorism is still violence


TO THE EDITOR: The Daily Tar Heel published an editorial Wednesday condemning the Palestinian Solidarity Movement for its failure to condemn violence specifically with relation to terrorism. But let's look at the actions of two of the world's foremost opponents of terrorism, the United States and Israel. Some would argue that the deaths of innocent Iraqis and Palestinians as a result of operations against terrorism is a form of terrorism in its own right.

The Daily Tar Heel

Desperation moves


Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. But it's been nigh impossible to explain that to the Sunrise Coalition, an organization in opposition to what would be the largest affordable housing development in Chapel Hill history. The 50-home scheme in question is slated to be built by Habitat for Humanity just off of Sunrise Road. At first glance, the project seems to be an inoffensive and extremely beneficial endeavor. One of Chapel Hill's major goals has been to increase the amount of affordable housing in the vicinity.

The Daily Tar Heel

Choice means acting based on your own ideals and judgment


I remember when I found out that my sister was pregnant. My little sister. My dad called me at school on a Saturday afternoon and told me that he had some interesting news. I was intrigued, but I assumed that it was nothing more than some piece of hometown gossip. He said, "Well, you're going to be an aunt." And in quintessential Emily fashion, I said, "Oh my God! You guys got a puppy?!" Needless to say, it came as quite a shock.