The Daily Tar Heel
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Friday, July 26, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel


Editorial: The Editorial Board’s year in review


"We aim to be holistic in our commentary and consider multiple viewpoints when we meet each week before releasing an opinion or calling for change. We also acknowledge that we are not able to comment on everything and we have, at times, overlooked important issues." 


Op-ed: Hillel is here

"UNC Hillel is a space to grieve, process our emotions and be with a community who understands during this time. Hillel listens and supports us as tensions rise on our campus and antisemitism surges online and in Chapel Hill."


Column: Why I talk to strangers


"Start a conversation with the person next to you in the lecture hall, even if it might be uncomfortable. Chat with the person in line behind you at the coffee shop — it’s an opportunity to connect with no strings attached."


Op-ed: The value of a liberal arts education in the wake of H.B. 259

"Ceasing to fund distinguished professorships in the humanities detracts from the education of every student at Carolina. We must continue to reward and attract excellent scholars in the humanities because it is their work that grapples with what makes us human."


Op-ed: Navigating the heartbreak — a call for empathy, love and peace

"It can be incredibly difficult to listen to opinions and feelings that may seem outlandish to you. However, if you could find it in your heart to use empathy for the other side — listen before you share your side — I believe the world will be one step closer to a better place."


Satire: Who would win? Round two.


"The 'Who Would Win' book series is a collection that pits two animals against each other and evaluates who would win. Here are my own, with a modern twist."


Dear UNC: Make student parking more accessible


"The parking dilemma on UNC’s campus presents complex challenges for students, with fines, long walks and limited options becoming a common theme. It’s time for UNC to prioritize student parking and address the frustrations that have become all too familiar."