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The Daily Tar Heel

Lizzie Breyer

The Daily Tar Heel

Making Tough Decisions: Subjective Ethics

Seeing a mouse decapitated by a pair of scissors or violently thrashing from a seizure likely is difficult for anyone to watch -- but is it really inhumane? After a video filmed in UNC laboratories by a member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals was released April 18, viewers were confronted with that question. But in reviewing that video, UNC officials were forced to make difficult decisions about the necessity of pain in medical procedures and the ethics associated with research.

The Daily Tar Heel

UNC Conducts Wide Range of Live Research

Behind closed doors in laboratories across campus, thousands of animals live to serve science. As students go about their daily business, many UNC faculty and staff conduct cutting-edge medical research -- with the help of mice, dogs and other mammals. The world of animal research on campus was thrust into the spotlight April 18, when People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals released a video filmed by a member of the organization who worked undercover in UNC's labs.

The Daily Tar Heel

Students Participate in a Number of Medical Studies

It's no secret that most college students are constantly strapped for cash. Common ways of solving that problem include taking part-time jobs, selling CDs back to secondhand music stores and the ever-popular calling home for money. But junior Karl Schmid has found his own way to resolve his financial woes -- every six weeks, he treks to UNC's Environmental Protection Agency site to undergo a bronchoscopy.

The Daily Tar Heel

Student Leaders To Discuss Conflicts

Student government leaders from the executive and legislative branches will hold a meeting before tonight's Student Congress session to address issues of internal communication. Dan Herman, chairman of Student Congress' Ethics Committee, said the chairmen of all Congress committees, Student Body President Jen Daum, Student Body Vice President Aaron Hiller and Congress Speaker Tony Larson will get together briefly before the full Congress meeting to address some concerns in the relationship between student government members.

The Daily Tar Heel

DPS Uses Cuts to Craft New Plan for 2002-03 Budget

Department of Public Safety officials have come up with a new solution to the department's budgetary woes after six months of debate about how to fill a $2 million shortfall. After the UNC Board of Trustees rejected a DPS budget proposal that would have raised $566,650 from a system of night parking permits and extended hours at visitor lots, the administration was charged with crafting a budget that did not include a night parking system.

The Daily Tar Heel

E-mail Sent To Warn Students

An e-mail circulating through campus is warning students about a man charged with simple assault and stalking after a March incident on campus. University Police Chief Derek Poarch said that although the e-mail is not completely accurate, students should watch out for the man described. Samuel Ferebee, 62, of 130 E-8 S. Estes Drive, was arrested on campus March 27 and charged with two counts of assault on a female and one count of misdemeanor stalking, police reports state.

The Daily Tar Heel

Daum Taps Cabinet, Forms 2 Committees

Student Body President Jen Daum named her Cabinet members Sunday, bringing together the final elements of next year's student leadership. Daum named chairmen and vice chairmen for nine committees, a communications director and several executive assistants after an extensive selection process. Along with Student Body Vice President Aaron Hiller, Secretary Rebecca Williford, Treasurer Michael Vollmer and Chief of Staff Rebekah Burford, Daum interviewed more than 50 applicants for the 29 positions. Williford said that the field was competitive and that all the applicants were well-qua

The Daily Tar Heel

Student Elections Postponed

A special election originally scheduled for today was canceled after miscommunication prevented the necessary paperwork from being filed, student leaders said Monday. The election was intended to fill empty seats in Student Congress and to allow students to vote on a referendum to increase student fees by $5 for undergraduates and $7 for graduate students. But Emily Margolis, chairwoman of the Board of Elections, said the necessary steps were not taken to set up the elections.

The Daily Tar Heel

Trustees Approve Sale of Satellite Tract to Winmore

A piece of University-owned land might soon become part of the area's newest affordable housing project. After more than an hour of debate, the UNC Board of Trustees voted to approve sale of the 62-acre Horace Williams satellite tract to Winmore Land Management LLC, for use as part of a mixed-use development in Carrboro. Winmore developers Phil Szostak and Bob Chapman already are planning to develop an adjacent 66-acre parcel of land but approached UNC with the idea of combining the two pieces of land into a large joint-development project.

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