The Daily Tar Heel
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The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

Before you sign, read the ?ne print


In June 2006, I signed my life away to Sallie Mae, one of the nation’s largest providers of private student loans. It was so easy. New York University informed me of how much money I needed, Sallie Mae offered me a loan for that amount and I signed on the dotted line.No one made me read the fine print, no one taught me about interest rates or defaulting and no one encouraged me to consider the future consequences of these loans.

The Daily Tar Heel

Celebrate our freedoms: First Amendment Day serves as a reminder of the freedoms afforded by the Constitution


A walk through campus today will reveal many students celebrating some of their most important freedoms.The UNC Center for Media Law and Policy will be observing First Amendment Day, honoring one of the amendments most central to a functioning democracy.The First Amendment guarantees rights that define America.Without freedom of religion, people could be subjected to a nationwide religion without the ability to choose their own religion or lack thereof.

The Daily Tar Heel

QuickHits for Oct. 1


Late-night UnionNeutral thumbWord is that campus officials are bringing a 24-hour fast food restaurant to the bottom of the Union. This is good progress. But fast food? So much for doing away with the Freshman 15. ECU 'protest'Thumbs down

The Daily Tar Heel

Jones needs to step up: Student Body President Jasmin Jones has been largely silent on major campus issues this semester


The Greek system’s relationship with UNC has taken some big hits recently, and we have heard from administrators that they are working to mend the splinters between Greeks and the University. However, Student Body President Jasmin Jones, whose campaign promoted the cultivation of campus unity, has yet to weigh in on the issue.Monica Matta, Jones’ chief of staff, stated that the Jones administration has not issued a statement because the University has taken a firm stance and they do not want Greeks to feel isolated from the rest of the student body.

The Daily Tar Heel

Granting in-state tuition status is highly unfair


TO THE EDITOR:Christian Yoder’s column (“Make ‘access’ meaningful,” Sept. 30) yesterday made me cringe. Some of his “arguments” are so typical to his point-of-view that I didn’t know whether I was reading an independent article or a compilation of all other pro-illegal-immigrant opinion pieces. According to Yoder, the state “must grant undocumented immigrants in-state tuition status.”

The Daily Tar Heel

Column argues well for making ‘access’ affordable


TO THE EDITOR:Christian Yoder’s column (“Make ‘access’ meaningful,” Sept. 30) on community college access for undocumented immigrants speaks well from an advocacy standpoint. Immigrants are part of our state and fill the larger portion of some important occupations.Latino immigrants cross to our country at great costs and live separated from loved ones.

The Daily Tar Heel

Article misrepresented Pi Kappa Phi’s new colony


TO THE EDITOR:Brian Austin’s article, “Greeks, UNC at new crossroads,” (Sept. 24), misrepresented the situation and men of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. As a re-founding father of Pi Kappa Phi, I question The Daily Tar Heel’s reckless disregard for the truth of the situation while continually marginalizing the Greek community. Although the fraternity’s charter was taken in 2005, it was removed by the national organization and had little to do with the University.

The Daily Tar Heel

Board misread bill about ASG delegate selection


TO THE EDITOR:Tuesday’s editorial “Don’t waste their time,” misread the Association of Student Governments delegation bill passed by Congress two weeks ago. The bill was to reform the outdated and unbalanced way we appoint delegates to ASG.

The Daily Tar Heel

Cocaine offenses were serious, deserved coverage


TO THE EDITOR:In response to every letter to the editor for the past couple weeks that criticizes the Daily Tar Heel for giving a disproportionate amount of attention to the recent arrest of seven students or former students on cocaine charges and their pattern of Greek affiliation: I believe you should re-evaluate your claims of injustice. Possession and intent to distribute mass quantities of cocaine is an incredibly serious offense and should, in fact, be on the front page of any student newspaper for as long as the investigation continues.

The Daily Tar Heel

Police focus on underage drinking a waste of time


TO THE EDITOR:In these tough economic times, it’s terrific to see that state funds are being wisely allocated. I can hardly imagine a better use of tax dollars than to sponsor an elite unit specializing in issuing underage drinking citations. Sure, per capita violent crime, robbery, and burglary increased in North Carolina between 2007 and 2008, but it is essential that we stop 19- and 20 year-old students from drinking alcohol.

The Daily Tar Heel

Attending ASG meetings important before judging


TO THE EDITOR:To the issue of Chapel Hill withdrawing from the UNC Association of Student Governments: I think that we cannot call for that until two things occur. First, we need to have consistent representation at these meetings. We need to send delegates to every meeting in order to make sure that our opinions, wants, and needs are being heard before we can say that there has not been any benefit from being involved.

The Daily Tar Heel

The times they are a- changin’ tables


When I walked to the women’s restroom at Foster’s Market before sitting down, there was a woman standing outside who stopped me and said, “You can’t go in there.”“Pardon?” I said.“There’s a man changing his daughter in there,” she said. “There’s no changing table in the men’s room.”Immediately I thought of the fantastic column I could write about how the oppressive society we live in is perpetuated by the assumption that only the “fairer sex” could possibly be charged with changing babies’ diapers.And I was right … sort of.

The Daily Tar Heel

Make ‘access’ meaningful: Allowing undocumented immigrants to attend community colleges not helpful if they can’t pay


Almost two weeks ago, the N.C. State Board of Community Colleges approved a policy that would allow undocumented immigrants to attend community college at out-of-state tuition rates.Although this is a victory for achieving equity in college access, the initiative will have little practical effect.In order for North Carolina to be a progressive state, it must grant undocumented immigrants in-state tuition status. Out-of-state rates are simply too expensive for most undocumented immigrants to afford, advocates say.

The Daily Tar Heel

Don’t judge Tucker Max movie until you see it


TO THE EDITOR:At showings across the nation, including at N. C. State University, women and men have had equal presence in the audience and equal reviews of “I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell.” The response to the movie has been overwhelmingly positive, with standing ovations at each premiere.

The Daily Tar Heel

‘I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell’ boring, not funny


TO THE EDITOR:Although I am a fan of the Tucker Max book, I wouldn’t recommend “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.” I don’t say this because I thought it degraded women, but rather because it was significantly toned down from the book. Most of the more outlandish stories that the author mentions in his article (e.g. “Tucker tries buttsex, hilarity does not ensue”) were not even in the movie. In fact, Tucker’s only sexual conquest in the movie is with a “midget stripper,” not a drunken college girl.

The Daily Tar Heel

Volunteer in government: Students should consider opportunities to get involved in the Chapel Hill town government


Students should take the opportunity to get involved in Chapel Hill’s town government.As a college town, Chapel Hill has a lot to gain from a student’s perspective, and there are a number of ways anyone interested can get involved.It’s never too early to get into local politics — a Winston-Salem State University student who won the city’s Democratic primary for City Council this year knows that well enough.Becoming a Town Council member might not be the easiest option to start with, but that’s OK.

The Daily Tar Heel

Imperial system outdated, confusing


America today is all about efficiency — faster cars, faster Internet connection, faster food — and I think this is something that, considering how our society works, fits us quite well. Time is money, and America loves money, and with more time, of course, follows more money. Speed rules the day, and for our purposes it all adds up.Our society as a whole craves new, constantly advancing technology that will make our lives run more smoothly. And we buy accordingly.

The Daily Tar Heel

Don’t bother with Max: New Tucker Max movie is abhorrent


The last thing our society needs is any more glorification of sexual violence, the objectification of women and rape culture. Unfortunately, Tucker Max’s new movie does nothing but reinforce these attitudes.Tucker is the blogger-turned-author responsible for the best-selling book “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,” now adapted as a film.The self-proclaimed “asshole” built his career writing and blogging about toilet humor, sexual conquests, drunken debauchery and degrading the handicapped.