The Daily Tar Heel
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Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Myah Ward


Defying expectations: It's Megan Crowley's 'normal'

“I don’t know anything different,” she said. “It’s my normal.” Megan Crowley doesn't let her rare disease dictate her life. She has two degrees from Notre Dame and is working on a a third one in social work at UNC. After being diagnosed with Pompe at 15 months, Crowley's family was told she would never be able to walk or stand on her own, requiring 24-hour nursing care. Told she probably wouldn't live past her first few years of life, Crowley is refusing to conform to the odds she was given. 


We sat down with interim Chancellor Guskiewicz to talk about UNC's present and future

Interim Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz, former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was appointed to his new position in February, following the unexpected resignation of former Chancellor Carol Folt.  Following a controversial year on UNC’s campus, and a little over a month from the Board of Governors’ May meeting, University desk editor Myah Ward sat down with Guskiewicz to discuss recent incidents and the future of UNC’s campus.  

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Students and community members walked from Silent Sam to the Peace and Justice plaza Wednesday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s death. 


The Daily Tar Heel v. UNC hearing today had lawyers on both sides present their arguments. No resolution was made. 

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